Our Session currently meets on the Second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. (No meeting in July)
The Session of our congregation is composed of eighteen Elders, one third of whom are elected by the congregation each year. They each serve a three-year term. Newly elected Elders are ordained and installed by answering in the affirmative the ten constitutional questions of commitment and loyalty to Christ and The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This takes place during a Service of Ordination and Installation held each January. In doing what we do as modern day Presbyterian Christians, we follow solid Biblical faith. In both the Old and New Testament elders were called by God to share in the leadership and government of His people.
In the Book of Order, Chapter X. in the “Form of Government” gives the Session full leadership responsibility for the mission and government of our congregation. Following is a list of many, but not all of the responsibilities of the Session:
1. To provide opportunities for members of the congregation to witness in word and deed to the saving power of Christ;
2. To receive and dismiss members;
3. To lead the congregation in the mission of the whole Church in the world;
4. To provide for the worship of the people of God;
5. To provide personal and pastoral care, educational programs, fellowship and mutual support and opportunities for witness and service;
6. To develop and supervise the church school and the church’s entire educational program;
7. To lead the congregation in ministries of personal and social healing and reconciliation;
8. To challenge the people of God with the privilege of responsible Christian stewardship of money and time and talents;
9. To establish the annual budget and determine the distribution of the church’s benevolence;
10. To lead the congregation in discovering what God is doing in the world;
11. To delegate and to supervise the work of the board of Deacons;
12. To be responsible for all matters pertaining to the ordained and the employed staff of the church;
13. To provide for the care and management of the church, including determination of its appropriate use;
14. To maintain a regular and continuing relationship to the Presbytery and the higher governing bodies of the church.
In order faithfully to address this enormous leadership task, the Session delegates much of its responsibility to nine Session Standing Committees and the Board of Deacons.