Christian Nurture Committee currently meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5 PM. (No meeting in July)
Co-Chair: Kathie Maldonado (Elder, Class of 2027)
Co-Chair: Eileen Mikulski (Elder, Class of 2025)
Committee Purpose
To strengthen relationships with God through worship and educational programs of the church.
Committee Vision Statement
- We recognize that worship provides a joyful and meaningful experience that brings God and people together.
- We encourage this experience through scripture, the spoken word, prayer, fellowship, music and the sacraments.
- We realize that worship is grounded in tradition, but we are open to the Holy Spirit through all means of expression.
- We view worship as an active event that encourages our congregation to participate.
- “Blessed is the one who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night”. (Psalm 1: 1-2)
- We seek to guide those who have accepted the call to faithfully follow Jesus Christ. The road that people of faith travel is often times rough and filled with many pitfalls. But the Lord promises a full and fruitful life to those who “delight in the law of the Lord”.
- We understand that learning and discerning the will and way of the Lord takes place in many different settings: in the classroom, in the lecture hall, the sanctuary, the living room, and even on the park bench.
- Exploration takes place when we pray, gather for a class or for worship, attend retreats and seminars, and share ourselves with others in mission, caring and sharing.
- As we come to better understand both the will of god and the vision God holds for all humankind, we will build a fellowship of believers intent on: sharing the Good news of redemption through Jesus Christ, comforting, nurturing and encouraging one another, building a fellowship based on acceptance and mutual understanding and deepening commitment to social justice and moral responsibility.