Children & Youth Ministries

Our Committee currently meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM.  (No meeting in July)


Co-Chair:   (Class of 2025)

Co-Chair:  Melissa Smith (Class of 2027)

Committee Purpose

The Children and Youth Ministry of PCTC provides a safe place for young people from every corner of our community to learn who Jesus is and who we are because of him.

Committee Vision Statement

We guide our children into a faithful, loving and joyful relationship with God.  We join their families and our church community in offering our children shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship, empowering them to live according to God’s purpose.  We rejoice, trusting that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit will be reflected in their lives.  Through music and movement, word and art, play and worship, service, scripture and sacrament, we lead our children to discover the truth in our faith story. To help nurture this congregation’s Middle School, Senior High, and post-High School youth in a growing relationship with God by providing opportunities for personal relationship and grow with adults, Bible study, mission and fellowship.